For tenants

Tenant's page

Fault report

For tenants

  • Here you will find a lot of information about housing. Whether you are searching for information about rent payment,
  • making a fault or disturbance report, booking a sauna turn or tenants activities and benefits, simply scroll down and find what you're looking for!
  • Rent payment

    The rent must be paid in accordance with the lease agreement by the 5th day of the month. Pay the rent according to the payment specification you received and use the reference number mentioned in the payment specification invoice.

    In addition to the rent payment, the tenant also pays water fee, which is invoiced according to the number of people living in the apartment. The amount of the water fee varies from 19 to 28 € per person / month (in most buildings 24 € / person / month).

    Other optional fees to be paid in addition to the rent payment, are sauna turns and parking space fees.

    See more information about delay in rent payment, daily financial planning and saving money.

  • Taking care of your apartment

    It is the duty of the tenant to maintain the basic condition and cleanliness of the apartment and to keep the home in good condition. This can be achived by weekly cleaning your apartment.

    As a tenant, you are responsible of the disturbance and damages caused to the apartment or the common facilities by yourself or by your guests. These kind of actions can lead to a warning, cancellation of the lease and tenant being held liable for the damage. 

    The tenant should inform Nuorisosäätiö about any damage, deficiencies or faults in the apartment that the landlord is responsible for repairing. If there is any repair needs in the apartment or property, please report them via electronic fault report. In the case of water leaks or damage in the apartment that require immediate action, you must immediately call the emergency number of the building's maintenance company.

    We recommend our tenants to get home insurance. Home insurance protects you, your property and your apartment in case of unexpected damage. It's good to keep in mind that home insurance cannot be purchased afterwards to compensate for damages.

    Maintenance responsibility grid

    Tenants Billing Price List

    Other damage to the apartment than normal wear and tear is customer billable in actualisation. We add 15 euros for order and handling fee for every order. We maintain rights for price changes. From customer billable costs document You can see few fixed prices e.g. for extra keys and broken fire alarms.

    Tenants Billing Price list 


  • Fault and Disturbance Report

    If you notice faults, damages or repair needs in your apartment or residential building, please report them via electronic fault report. If there is frequent disturbances (disturbing noise etc.), please report these disturbances with the same report form and choose "Häiriöilmoitus". 

    In case of an emergency situation (water damage etc.) or in severe problems that needs to be fixed during the same day, call your home maintenance company.

    FAULT and disturbance report

    When filling the report, we recommend that you choose "Saa käyttää yleisavainta" as a entrance information, in case you dont have pets in the apartment that would prevent using the master key.

    If you choose "Soita ja sovi" as entrance information, check that the phone number is correct and make sure that you are reachable when the repair man calls. If the repair man does not reach you, the fault message will not be processed.

    Faults that hinder daily living will be repaired as soon as possible. Other defects will be repaired within about a week.

  • Maintenance Companies


    Kotikatu Herttoniemi, p. 010 270 8400 (24h)
    Hiihtäjäntie 5
    Hitsaajankatu 1
    Petter Wetterin tie 4

    Kotikatu Vuosaari, p. 010 270 8440 (24h)
    Tyynylaavantie 13-15
    Pomeranssikuja 1
    Porslahdentie 24
    Vuotie 55

    Kotikatu Ylä-Malmi, p. 010 270 8450 (24h)
    Siemenkuja 1
    Viljatie 3

    Kotikatu Ala-Malmi, p. 010 270 8022 (24h)
    Teerisuontie 35

    Kotikatu Itäväylä, p. 010 270 8500 (24h)
    Puotilan Metrokatu 4

    Kotikatu Laajasalo, p. 010 270 8420 (24h)
    Isosaarentie 2

    Kotikatu Haaga, p. 010 270 8300 (24h)
    Laajasuontie 35

    Kotikatu Konala, p. 010 270 8380 (24h)
    Seltterikuja 4

    Kotikatu Arabia, p. 010 270 8670 (24h)
    Koskelantie 72

    Kotikatu Jätkäsaari, p. 010 270 8890 (24h)
    Tyynenmerenkatu 7


    Kotikatu Kartanonkoski, p. 010 270 8820 (24h)
    Illenpiha 4
    Rosendalinkuja 7
    Tammistonkatu 23


    Tapiolan Lämpö Oy, p. 020 310 310 (24h)
    Klippinkitie 1
    Rummunlyöjänkatu 8
    Ullanmäentie 13

    Kotikatu Viherlaakso, p. 010 270 8790 (24h)
    Herttuanportti 4

    Järvenpää, Kerava

    Kotikatu Keski-Uusimaa Oy p. 020 793 1024 (24h)

    Järvenpää p. 010 836 3400
    Alankotie 2, Järvenpää
    Bjarnenkuja 8, Järvenpää

    Kerava p. 020 793 1022
    Lintulammenkatu 15, Kerava
    Santaniitynkuja 1, Kerava
    Seunalantie 8, Kerava


    Kiinteistöhoito Koskelainen, p. 0400 711 180 (24h)
    Herraskuja 2, Lahti
    Manninkatu 2, Lahti
    Manninkuja 4, Lahti
    Roopenkuja 4 / Rouvaskuja 1, Lahti


    HH-Kiinteistöpalvelut Oy, p. 010 3950 395 (24h)
    Iidesranta 30

  • The keys

    The keys to your home and property should be taken good care of. In addition to your apartment and stairwell, you can use your keys to access the public areas of the housing association, such as a warehouse, laundry and sauna facilities.

    Key loss

    Key loss must be reported to our customer service, so we can order a change for the entire lock or a new key to replace the lost one, depending on the type of lock. The cost of lock change or new replacement key charged to the tenant. The apartment lock will be changed according to your wishes, either during residency period or at the latest, at the end of the lease agreement.

    Making copies of the keys is strictly prohibited.

    You can read more about collecting and returning keys, here:


    Tenant Billing Price List

    From the list below you will find the price information about the cost of lock changing based on the type of keys (available only in Finnish).

    tenant billing price list 

  • Rules and Regulations

    Tenants must follow the rules and regulations of Nuorisosäätiö. Tenants are held responsible and liable for any damages and neglects not only by themselves but also by their guests. Residents must behave in a way that shows consideration towards the neighbors.

    The night-time peace is from 22:00 to 07:00, during this time all the residents and their guests must avoid any kind of noise or disturbance in the apartments and common areas.

    All the residents are responsible for familiarising themselves with the rules and regulations. If a tenant or his/her guests violates any of the rules and regulations, tenant may be obliged to pay damages, may get a warning notice and/or may result in the termination of the lease agreement. 

    rules and regulations

  • Changes in Housing

    Do you still have the same persons living in your apartment as at the beginning of the lease or would it be time to update the information? All changes in housing register must be reported to Nuorisosäätiö as soon as possible. You can inform us about the new resident (s) or new situation by filling the appropriate form below:

    Tenancy notification

    Name Change Notification

    Newborn child notification

    move-out notification

    Flatmate, Partner or Child:

    When a new person moves into the apartment with you as a flatmate, partner or forexample incase of a new born child, please fill out the Tenancy Notification electronic form carefully. The new resident will not become a tenant on the rental agreement, but the lease will remain on behalf of the main tenant. Once we have approved the Tenancy Notification, the person will be added to the housing register and we will send a new rental invoice with the new water fee information.

    If you want the name of the new resident on the door and the tenant's name board, please report it by filling an electronic fault report. Select "Nimenvaihtoilmoitus" and write the surname of the new resident in the text field. The resident can live in the apartment for as long as the main tenant's lease agreement is valid. 

    The person moving-in will hold no rental agreement with Nuorisosäätiö. It is advisable to make a written sublease agreement with the flatmate/partner, where you both agree on the terms of your own rental agreement.

    The agreement between the main tenant and subtenant does not affect the main tenant's agreement with Nuorisosäätiö, and therefore, the main tenant remains ultimately responsible for paying the rent and the condition of the apartment. The sublease agreement is important, especially if you apply for housing support from Kela, for example.

    It is not possible to create several different leases for the same apartment. The main tenants will have a joint lease agreement, which will be signed by each of them.


    Subletting means renting the entire apartment to an external person. Subletting the apartment always requires the landlord’s permission. The condition for subletting is that the main tenant has moved away from their place of residence, and in the case of the metropolitan area, the move must be outside the Helsinki metropolitan area. A separate certificate must be provided to prove the reason for the move, such as a student certificate, an employment contract, a document confirming the start of military service, or another similar document. You can sublet your apartment for a maximum of two years.

    Before subletting is approved, the main tenant must submit the subletting agreement to the landlord, along with the following attachments for the subtenant:
    -The most recent pre-filled tax return (note: not the tax card) – can be obtained from OmaVero or requested from the tax authority
    -An additional explanation of the market value of assets listed in the pre-filled tax return, if applicable
    -A copy of the passport and residence permit (with photo) for non-EU citizens

    In properties owned by the Youth Foundation, the housing selection criteria set by ARA (The Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland) apply, which also apply to subletting. The subtenant must belong to the foundation's target group of 18-29-year-olds, and their wealth must not exceed the wealth limits set by ARA. The main tenant may charge a rent for subletting that, according to ARA regulations, cannot exceed the amount of their current rent.

    Subletting does not affect the main tenant’s rental agreement. The main tenant is always ultimately responsible for paying the rent, maintaining the apartment, and adhering to the property’s rules and regulations. The terms of the subletting agreement are subject to the conditions of the Youth Foundation's rental agreement, including the smoking ban.

    Any changes related to subletting must be reported to the landlord without delay, no later than one month before the subletting agreement ends.

    Apartment sublease agreement

  • Changing apartment within Nuorisosäätiö

    Change of apartment is possible from one Nuorisosäätiö's apartment to another with some restrictions:

    Your current lease is valid until further notice.
    Your current lease has been valid for over a year.
    You have taken good care of your current apartment and it is in good condition (The apartment will be inspected before the change is approved).
    Acceptable reasons for change: Changes in family size, location of the place of work/study has changed etc.
    Your rents and other payments have been paid in time.
    There is no ongoing registered disturbance concerning your current lease.
    The tenant has not received any notices or written warnings related to housing, e.g. violation of rules and regulations or related distrubances.

    You can apply for changing apartment by filling out a new housing application and choosing in the application form "I already live in Nuorisosäätiö's apartment".  Also, mention the reasons for the preferred change. Nuorisosäätiö will then consider your application based on the urgency of your situation.

    Be ready to wait

    If you are considering changing your apartment, expect to wait for some time. It may take time to find a suitable apartment which meets your desired criteria.

    The process of changing apartments:

    1. Submit an apartment change application on our website.
    2. Apartment offer.
    3. Inspection of the current apartment's condition.
    4. New lease agreement, setting the moving date and termination of the old lease by tenant.

    If the tenant does not terminate the old lease beforehand, the tenant will also need to pay the rent of the old apartment until the termination is submitted and confirmed.

    5. Returning the keys of the old apartment and collecting the new ones on the same day (on the first working day of the lease agreement or as agreed).
    6. Moving to the new apartment. 

  • Parking Spaces

    Tenants can rent a parking space for a car in most of our properties. Parking space types, amounts and prices of parking spaces varies. Contact us for more information.

    Parking space rentals and parking space terminations:

    Please provide the following in the message:

     - Your own name, address and phone number
     - Parking space information (desired parking space type and number, if known)


    Termination of parking space

    Parking space agreement is for an indefinite period and may be terminated by the tenant or by Nuorisosäätiö. The notice period for the termination of the agreement is one full calendar month. So if you want to terminate your agreement ending 31st of May you have to terminate it on 30th of April, at the latest.

    The agreement of a parking space owned by Nuorisosäätiö ends automatically at the end of the lease agreement, and in this case you don't need to terminate the parking space agreement separately.

    Parking Control

    Parking is only allowed in the marked parking spaces. Our parking control is mainly managed by AimoPark or municipality's parking control. Parking conditions are shown on the parking lot signs. A control request about incorrectly parked cars can be sent directly to Aimo Park through the link below:

    CONTROL request

  • Common Sauna

    Almost all of our houses have common sauna facilities available for tenants. You can go to the sauna in the tenants' common or joint sauna, ie a common sauna session, or book your own sauna session according to the instructions below. Sauna sessions lists are on the doors of the clothes changing rooms.


    Our tenants have the opportunity to book their own sauna session.

    Here is how you can book a sauna turn:

    1. Check out the free sauna session at the door of the sauna.

    2. Book a sauna turn by sending an e-mail to your housing secretary.

    Write in the email's subject "Sauna session booking, address of your apartment". for example "Sauna session booking, Hiihtäjäntie 5". Please mention your full name, exact address, and the desired time of the sauna session. For housing secretary contact information click here.

    3. Wait for the confirmation of the sauna turn and the starting day.

    4. You will recieve a new rent payment invoice which includes the added fee of your sauna session. (Price weekly 20€/month, every other week 10€/month).

  • Dishwasher / Washing machine

    The tenant can purchase and install a dishwasher/washing machine at his own expense and responsibility. 

    The installation of the dishwasher must be ordered from a certified professional technician (You should receive a certificate after the dishwasher has been installed). There must be a plastic protective basin under the dishwasher. It is acquired and installed at the same time as the device. It is important to not leave the dishwasher or washing machine on when you leave the apartment. Always keep the water taps on the dishwasher and washing machine in closed-position when you are not using the machine. Sometimes it is good to check that no water is running from the appliances to the floor.

    We also recommend checking the home insurance coverage for possible water damage in case the dishwasher breaks down and causes water damage.

    If you have removed the cabinet or shelves during the installation of the dishwasher, keep the parts for the duration of your stay and refit them when you move out of the apartment.

    If there is a water leak in the apartment, notify the maintenance company immediately!

    Ask the professional technician who installed the dishwasher for a certificate of installation (HVAC technician certificate) and tape it to the side of the machine. This keeps it safe from possible damage, such as water damage caused by an incorrectly installed machine.

  • Security lock, Safety latch and Door eye

    Changes to the front door, such as installing a security lock or door eye, may not be made without the property manager's permission. You can request permission from the building's property manager by sending an email to customer service.

    The installation of a security lock and/or door eye on the front door must be done at your own expense and through Nuorisosäätiö's partner company "Avainahjo Oy", because the security lock is made as part of the building's lock serialization. The Installation must be made carried out by a professional.

    Installation of a safety latch can be done by a company of your choice; however, the Installation must be made carried out by a professional.

    Despite the installation being carried out at your own expense, the security lock, saftey latch or door eye must be left in place without compensation when moving out, and all keys that belong to the security lock must be returned when returning the apartment keys.

    Security lock and/or door eye orders are made by sending an email to Nuorisosäätiö's customer service.

  • Internet Connection

    There is a ready basic 10 MB Internet speed connection in the apartment. There is no separate monthly fee for the use of broadband at the basic speed, however tenants must bring in or buy their own modem router, and to initiate the connection by contacting the connection service provider to make their own contract. In addition, tenants can independently order additional connection speeds and services from the service provider.

    Please note that in some buildings, there is no ready basic Internet connection. In these building locations, tenants need to independently contact the service provider or company of their choice. For example DNA Welho, Elisa tai Telia.

    The introduction of broadband requires the registration of the connection on the tenant’s own name (also for the free ready basic 10 Mbit/s connection). Registration is done by calling the operator's sales service.

    For more information visit Building Info.

  • Pets

    Pets are part of the family and you don’t have to give up pets when you change your home: on the contrary, they go with you wherever you go.

    Pets are welcome as family members in all Nuorisosäätiö's apartments. However, it is a good idea that the pet owner makes sure that the pet does not harm the neighbors or cause damage to condition of the apartment. Take good care of your pet and make sure it is not harmful to your neighbors and other tenants of the building. For more detailed instructions, see Rules and Regulations.

    Caring for a pet encourages responsibility and we want to support it!

  • Heating

    The aim is to keep the temperature in the apartments at a comfortable room temperature of about 20-22 ° C.

    In the autumn season, at the beginning of the heating season, the room air is often perceived as cool and contacts about indoor air temperatures are becoming more common. At the beginning of the heating season, you should be patient and wait until the indoor air temperature adapts according to the outside air temperature.

    What can I do if I feel that the apartment is to cold?

    Check the front of the radiator thermostat.
    It is not advisable to keep a sofa, thick curtains or other obstacle in front of the radiator thermostat (ie the part from which you can adjust the radiator). The radiator thermostat reacts to temperature changes and controls the radiator temperature accordingly.

    Adjust the radiator thermostat to suit.
    Remember that even a 30 ° C radiator feels cool in your hand, but still warms the apartment.

    Check the air ventilation and window frames and adjust replacement air valves.

    Measure the temperature of the apartment in the middle of the room and record the temperature.
    Do this for a few consecutive days and if temperatures are repeatedly below 20 ° C, contact the maintenance company via the fault report form below.

    Fault report

  • Renovation

    The tenant must not carry out renovations, repairs or alterations in the apartment or in the yard / balcony of the apartment. Painting the walls and installing the surface material of the floor is prohibited.

    If there are deficiencies in the condition of the apartment that require renovation or repair, please contact Nuorisosäätiö's technical manager. You can report minor defects in the apartment using the fault report form:

    Fault Report

    Permitted modifications

    Hanging frames on the wall. When choosing a mounting, take the wall surface into account and do not damage the wall surface with poor drilling / nailing.

    Installation of a safety latch and door eye on the exterior door of the apartment must be made by a professional. These should be left in the apartment without compensation when you move out.

    Installation of roller blinds must be professionally installed. These should be left in the apartment without compensation when you move out.


  • Vermin

    Is there a suspicion that there are pests (forexample ants or silverfish) in your home? First, identify the pest in question and search the web for instructions on how to evict it. In the case of a pest that requires pest control, contact our custom service as soon as possible:

    You can find good information about pests and their control here (In Finnish).

  • What are the benefits of sorting?

    By sorting waste, you ensure that the waste ends up in the right place and you get the most out of it. In addition, by properly recycling and putting waste in the right bin, you will reduce the overall waste cost of your house. Therefore, follow the sorting instructions and fill the waste bins evenly, and do not leave debris outside the waste bins.

    District heat and electricity are recovered from the mixed waste as a result of the incineration process. Biowaste is made into biogas, which is a renewable energy that produces electricity and heat. Some of the biowaste goes to composting, which is used as a raw material for the soil or utilized as such in land improvement. Recycled metal and glass are used in the manufacture of new products. Recycled paper is made into recycled pulp, which is used to make e.g. newsprint.


    Large-scale waste and furniture must not be left in the waste room or shed, and the tenant must take care of their disposal.

    It is advisable to sell / give away furniture in good condition, for example in social media recycling groups or take it to the nearest recycling center.

    Introduction to Waste and Recycling!

  • Fire Safety

    All apartments have a fire alarm installed. The tenant must make sure that the fire alarm is in working order and the battery has been replaced. Check the function of your smoke alarm regularly by pressing the test button on the alarm: you will hear a beep sound, the been sound means that the appliance is functioning properly.

    The battery of the fire alarm should be replaced approximately every year. The device beeps briefly to indicate that the battery needs to be replaced. In addition to a fire alarm, it is a good idea to get a fire blanket or some other initial fire extinguishing equipment for your home.

    Please note that indoor smoking is not allowed.

    Petter Wetterin tie 4

    Petter Wetterin tie 4 has centralized fire alarm systems. The apartments in the building do not have a normal fire alarm but a detector to which the resident is not allowed to make any changes.

    The detector will alert the security company automatically. After receiving the alarm, the security company will always check the situation. In the event of an alarm, ventilate the apartment so that the alarm stops and prepare for the arrival of the security company and to clear up the situation. The security company determines the cause of the dangerous situation and acknowledges the alarm status of the central system. Tenants will be billed for alerts due to intentional or repeated negligence.

    Rescue plan

    (Note: Currently availabe only in Finnish version. The English version will be available soon).

    Herttuanportti 4
    Klippinkitie 1
    Rummunlyöjänkatu 8
    Ullanmäentie 13

    Hiihtäjäntie 5
    Hitsaajankatu 1
    Isosaarentie 2
    Koskelantie 72
    Laajasuontie 35
    Petter Wetterin tie 4
    Pomeranssikuja 1
    Porslahdentie 24
    Puotilan Metrokatu 4
    Seltterikuja 4
    Siemenkuja 1
    Teerisuontie 35
    Tyynenmerenkatu 7
    Tyynylaavantie 13-15
    Viljatie 3
    Vuotie 55

    Alankotie 2
    Bjarnenkuja 8

    Lintulammenkatu 15
    Santaniitynkuja 1
    Seunalantie 8

    Herraskuja 2
    Manninkatu 2
    Manninkuja 4
    Roopenkuja 4 / Rouvaskuja 1

    Iidesranta 30

    Illenpiha 4
    Rosendalinkuja 7
    Tammistonkatu 23


  • Tenant Activities

    Tenants meeting

    The building tenants' meeting is held annually and all the tenants of the building are invited to it. Participation is voluntary. The housing committee convenes a tenants' meeting, and if there is no housing committee in the building, the meeting is convened by the Nuorisosäätiö's tenants' adviser or property manager.

    The tenants' meeting discusses issues related to housing, such as tenants' activities, the condition of the house, maintenance and operation of the maintenance company, building protection and living comfort. The meetings have a relaxed atmosphere and things are discussed.

    The tenants' meeting elects a house committee consisting of tenants. In general, anyone interested can join the house committee and no vote is required. In a few buildings, the tenants 'meeting also elects a tenants' representative to the board of the housing committee. Minutes shall be taken of the meeting, in which the matters discussed shall be recorded. In most cases, a bulletin is also made about the meeting and the issues raised there, which is distributed to all tenants.

    Housing committee

    The House Committee is a group of tenants elected at a tenants' meeting. The Housing Committee represents the tenants of the building.

    The most popular events organized by the house committees are work parties, barbecue evenings, small Christmas parties and various game evenings.

    The Housing Committee acts as a connecting bridge between the landlord and the tenants, informing them about current affairs. The Housing Committee may participate in the preparation of the real estate company's decisions. It has the right of initiative, the opportunity to issue an opinion and the right to negotiate.

    The Housing Commission receives an operating grant each year to finance its activities. The operating grant can be used for meeting and information expenses, small-scale club room purchases and organizing tenants' activities. The Housing Committee may also admit new members outside the tenants' meeting. It is worth attracting new members whenever the right opportunity arises.

    House committee activities are a great way to get to know the tenants of the building and make new friends. With the activity, you will get acquainted with the possibilities of tenant activities and how the rental housing company operates.


    Have there ever been situations where you missed a few extra squares? Almost every Nuorisosäätiö building has a club room that is available to the tenants of the building.

    The club room has been furnished by the building's first house committee. The landlord owns the club room furniture and other items, but the house committee manages the club room, i.e. is responsible for its use.

    The club room can be requested for use from the house committee, whose contact information can be found on the building tenants board or at the club room door. At the same time you will receive instructions and rules on how to use the club room. If there is no active house committee in the building, you can ask for the key from Nuorisosäätiö's customer serivce.

  • Tenant benefits

    Tenants have the opportunity to work out for free at Nuorisosäätiö's gym in Vuosaari, Helsinki.

    Nuorisosäätiö offers its tenants the opportunity to join the Silver level as a member of Tallink Siljan Club One free of charge. The membership level allows for a 20% base discount as well as a 35% pre-booking benefit on certain normal priced products. To join, you need Nuorisosäätiö's contract number, which you can get from our customer service by sending an email to

    Once you have the contract number, you can become a Club One member at the Silver level, and grab the benefits!

  • Building Info

    Here below you will find useful information about your residential building:

    Herttuanportti 4
    Klippinkitie 1
    Rummunlyöjänkatu 8
    Ullanmäentie 13

    Hiihtäjäntie 5
    Hitsaajankatu 1 
    Isosaarentie 2 
    Koskelantie 72 
    Laajasuontie 35 
    Petter Wetterin tie 4 
    Pomeranssikuja 1
    Porslahdentie 24 
    Puotilan Metrokatu 4 
    Seltterikuja 4 
    Siemenkuja 1
    Teerisuontie 35
    Tyynenmerenkatu 7 
    Tyynylaavantie 13-15 
    Viljatie 3 
    Vuotie 55

    Alankotie 2 
    Bjarnenkuja 8

    Lintulammenkatu 15 
    Santaniitynkuja 1 
    Seunalantie 8 

    Herraskuja 2 
    Manninkatu 2
    Manninkuja 4 
    Roopenkuja 4 / Rouvaskuja 1

    Iidesranta 30 

    Illenpiha 4 
    Rosendalinkuja 7 
    Tammistonkatu 23

  • Floor Plans

    Floor Plans

  • Forms

    Tenancy notification electronic forms

    Tenancy notification

    Name Change Notification

    Newborn child notification

    move-out notification

    Fault and disturbance report
    To be filled in when you notice defects or faults in the building / apartment or when there is disturbance directly related to your apartment or general disturbances in the building.

  • Termination and Moving-out

    Important information about termination of the lease agreement and moving-out:
