



Nuorisosäätiö provides rental apartments and housing support for young adults aged 18-29 who are working or seeking employment in the near future. The purpose of Nuorisosäätiö is to develop youth education and to support young adult's independence and adulthood. Nuorisosäätiö supports young adults in independent living and living by building and maintaining affordable rental housing.

  • Board Members of Nuorisosäätiö

    Jari Laine, Chairman
    Ippa Hertzberg, Vice-Chairman
    Kimmo Pihlman, Member

    Executive team

    Kimmo Pihlman, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
    Jaana Lehtimaa, Financial manager
    Riku Halinen, Service manager
    Olli Siiskonen, Head of property management

  • Rules of the Foundation

    § 1

    The name of the foundation is Nuorisosäätiö sr. The foundation is based in Helsinki.

    § 2

    The purpose of the foundation is social youth work and specifically the development of youth education and support for young people's independence.

    In order to achieve its purpose, the Foundation rents apartments to young people and possibly to people who belong to special groups who need special support even after their actual youth and who have become tenants of the Foundation at a young age.

    Tenant selections follow the tenants selection guidelines of the Housing Finance and Development Center of Finland. The rental of apartments is guided by social principles, in which social counseling, education and educational work are carried out and guided leisure activities are organized. The Foundation may also carry out its purpose in any other form of activity which directly contributes to that purpose.

    The Foundation may carry out its purpose in its own activities, through companies wholly or partly owned by it, or in co-operation with other entities or foundations.

    In order to finance its activities, the Foundation may engage in the management of real estate and the leasing activities required for the performance of the Foundation's activities. The Foundation may engage in the rental of commercial, office and parking spaces as well as residential apartments rental.

    § 3

    The Foundation's financial management must be planned.

    § 4

    The affairs of the Foundation are managed and represented by a Board elected for two (2) years at a time, which consists of a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of seven (7) full members and a maximum of two (2) alternative members.

    The term of office begins at the end of the selection meeting and ends two years after the end of the selection meeting. The selection meeting must be held by the end of May at the latest.

    The government complements itself.

    The Board elects a chairman and a vice-chairman from among its members.

    § 5

    The Chairman of the Board is responsible for ensuring that the Board convenes when necessary. Invitations to Board meetings shall be sent to members at least three (3) days prior to the meeting by letter or electronically to the address provided by the Board member to the Foundation. Other communications to Board members are sent in the same manner.

    A quorum is reached when more than half of the members of the Board, including the chairman or vice-chairman, are present.

    Decisions are taken by simple majority. In the event of a tie, the chairman shall have the casting vote.

    More than half of the votes cast will be elected. If, for the first time, none of the candidates receives more than half of the votes, the election shall be held between the two who received the most votes. In the event of a tie, the election shall be decided by lot.

    Minutes shall be drawn up of the meetings of the Board of Directors, in which the decisions made and the votes cast shall be recorded. The minutes shall be signed by the chairman of the meeting and by at least one member elected at the meeting.

    § 6

    The Board may appoint a bureau for the Foundation.

    The Board of Directors may appoint other standing or temporary committees or commissions and determine their composition and duties.

    The Foundation may have an agent or the CEO and the CEO may have a deputy.

    § 7

    The name of the foundation is written by the chairman or CEO of the board alone or by the persons authorized by the board alone or two together.

    § 8

    Board members may be paid a reasonable meeting fee and a reasonable fee for other work done for the Foundation.

    § 9

    The financial year of the Foundation shall be the calendar year.

    § 10

    The change of a member of the Board and the signatories must be notified to the Foundation Register of the National Board of Patents and Registration without delay.

    § 11

    The rules of the Foundation may be amended if at least four-fifths (4/5) of the members of the Board of Directors support it. The dissolution of the Foundation shall be decided in the same order.

    § 12

    If the foundation is dissolved or liquidated, the foundation's funds will be used for the benefit of social youth work.



  • Processing of personal data

    Nuorisosäätiö sr | Nuorisoasuntojen Isännöinti Oy pays special attention to the protection of privacy and the proper processing of personal data. It is a precondition that we receive the necessary personal data for processing the housing application, and for creating and maintaining the agreement and relationship. We process the personal data of our tenants in connection with the electronic locking system of the properties and camera surveillance. It is also a precondition for maintaining the employment and -cooperation agreement and relationship, that we receive the necessary personal data.

    You can control how we process your personal information, whether you are our applicant, our tenant, our job seeker, or our staff.

    The registrar Nuorisosäätiö sr | | Nuorisoasuntojen Isännöinti Oy processes the information in accordance with all applicable international data protection regulations and the instructions and decisions of the competent data protection authorities, as well as with due diligence and good data processing practice and best practices in the field.

    Privacy Policy Statements

    - Processing of personal data of housing applicants and tenants:
       Privacy Policy Statement

    - Camera Surveillance Privacy Statement:
       Camera Surveillance Privacy Statement

    - Electronic Locking System Privacy Statement:
       Electronic Locking System Privacy Statement

    - Partner Privacy Statement

    - Employee and Trainee Privacy Statement

  • Notification channel


    Our goal at Nuorisosäätiö sr and Nuorisoasuntojen Isännöinti Oy is to operate and develop our business in an open and ethically sustainable manner. Our customers and employees are our most important source of information. It is important that everyone reports any suspected misconduct that is not in accordance with the principles of good business conduct, our values, or our guidelines. This gives us the opportunity to correct, prevent or amend all improprieties and abuses.

    We encourage our employees to always contact their supervisor first. Through our whistleblowing notification channel, we provide the opportunity to report suspected abuses, also anonymously.

    The whistleblowing notification channel is an early warning system used by our employees and partners, with which we aim to reduce risks to the company. By the help of our this notification tool, we promote compliance with our business principles and maintain the trust of our customers and other stakeholders in us. The notification can be made openly under your own name or anonymously.

    The purpose of these instructions is to describe how employees and partners can express their concerns or suspicions about a flaw they observe in our operations, which violates the principles of good business practice, our values, or our guidelines, and which can have serious consequences for the foundation, our customers, our partners or an individual.

    When notification is appropriate

    The person making the notification must be convinced of the truthfulness of the facts of his notification and always act honestly and with sincerity. Allegations must not be made with the intention of harming or when you know they are groundless.

    We hope that the person who made the notification informs about his/her suspicion primarily under his/her own name. If you wish, you can also leave a report of suspected abuse anonymously.

    Processing of notifications

    All notifications are handled carefully and confidentially by authorized persons. If necessary, authorized persons can confidentially request information and expertise from other persons. The persons who are affected by the suspicions or to whom they are related will not be informed of the reports made. None of those conducting the investigation may try to find out the identity of the person making the report in any way

    Protection of the whistleblower

    The identity of the person making the notification is kept secret throughout the process and is not revealed to the person named in the notification or to other persons. No measures will be taken against the person who reported.

    Protection of the person mentioned in the notification and right to access his information

    The information collected in the notification is treated with confidentiality and is subject to the appropriate data protection legislation.

    Data deletion

    Personal information in the register is kept confidential and secure. Information is stored if it is needed for the purpose for which it was originally collected and processed, or if the law and the requirements for data retention in accordance with the regulations so requires us to do.