• General housing allowance

    You can check using Kela's online calculator below whether you are entitled to income-based housing allowance. Please note that the calculator can only provide an estimate.

    Housing allowance calculator

    You can get more information about general housing allowance directly from Kela:

  • Before moving

    1. Pay the security deposit according to the invoice information you've recieved.

    2. Make an electricity contract for your new apartment.

    3. Submit a move notification to the Post and the Local Register Office.

    4. Make sure to get home insurance.

    5. If necessary, subscribe to an internet connection service for your home.


    Electricity is not included in Nuorisosäätiö's buildings. It is worth getting an electricity contract for the new apartment before moving. You can choose the electricity company yourself. We recommend you compare their prices.


    The water fee is automatically added to the payment specification based on the number of people living in the household.

    The amount of the water fee varies based on the building's location. You can see the amount of water fee in your rent payment invoice.

    Internet connection

    Some of our building have their own company's broadband, which is included in the rent. Activate your internet connection on the service provider's website.

    Telia provides free internet connection (included in the rent) at the following building locations:

    Klippinkitie 1
    Rummunlyöjänkatu 8
    Herttuanportti 4

    Seltterikuja 4
    Laajasuontie 35
    Pomeranssikuja 1
    Tyynenmerenkatu 7
    Tyynylaavantie 13-15
    Koskelantie 72
    Vuotie 55
    Isosaarentie 2
    Teerisuontie 35
    Petter Wetterin tie 4
    Siemenkuja 1
    Hitsaajankatu 1
    Viljatie 3

    Illenpiha 4
    Tammistonkatu 23
    Rosendalinkuja 7

    Santaniitynkuja 1
    Lintulammenkatu 15
    Torikatu 3

    Alankotie 2
    Bjarnenkuja 8

    Iidesranta 30

    DNA/Welho provides free internet (included in the rent) in the following building locations:

    Herraskuja 2
    Roopenkuja 4 / Rouvaskuja 1


  • Collecting the keys

    The keys can be collected after paying the deposit on the first working day of the lease agreement at the earliest, starting from 1 PM onwards. If the lease agreement starts on a weekend or on a holiday, you can collect the keys on the next working day. Bring a security deposit payment receipt or a commitment issued by Kela (a picture / screenshot is enough), a valid official photo ID and the lease agreement.

    Collecting the keys based on apartment's location

    Depending on the apartment's location, collecting the keys is either from the building's maintenance or locksmith company. It is recommended that you check the opening hours on the company's website.

    Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa
    Avainahjo Oy
    Hermannin Rantatie 10, 00580 Helsinki
    p. 045 788 45277

    Järvenpää, Kerava
    Kotikatu Oy
    Yrittäjänkatu 14, 04440 Järvenpää
    p. 020 793 1022

    Starting 17.3.2025:
    Tuusulan Lukko Oy
    Nappulakatu 1
    04300 Tuusula
    p.09 274 4260
    Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8–18, Sat 10-14 (on July closed on Saturdays)

    Kiinteistöhoito Koskelainen
    Sotkankatu 6, 15150 Lahti
    p. 0400 711 180 (Make an appointment for collecting the keys beforehand by phone)

    HH-kiinteistöpalvelut Oy
    Viinikankatu 53, 33800 Tampere
    p. 010 395 0395

    Uudenmaan Lukko Oy  
    Keskuskatu 7, 
    04600 Mäntsälä
    p. 040 772 3220

    Exact dates for collecting the keys

    You can pick up the keys to your new home on the first working day of the lease agreement starting from 1 pm (See dates below). The keys cannot be handed over earlier.

    If your lease agreement starts on another day during the month (not the first day of the month), it is possible to collect the apartment keys in the morning from the locksmith/maintenance company during opening hours.

    Tue 1.4.2025
    Fri 2.5.2025
    Mon 2.6.2025
    Tue 1.7.2025
    Fri 1.8.2025
    Mon 1.9.2025
    Wed 1.10.2025
    Mon 3.11.2025
    Mon 1.12.2025

  • After Moving-in

    Congratulations on your new home!  A few more things before its time to put your stuff in place and decorate your home to your liking.

    Move-in Inspection and apartment condition

    We aim to conduct the move-in inspection on the first day of the month. You will receive information about the move-in inspection from the form left in the apartment, by text message or e-mail. If the inspection reveals defects or deficiencies that require repair, repairs will be started as soon as possible (within 3 weeks). The contractor will contact you to arrange the schedule. Please answer incoming calls from unknown numbers. By coordinating well with the renovation contractor, you ensure that the work is completed as quickly as possible.  

    Move-in Inspection

    It is important that you also check the condition of the apartment yourself by filling in the move-in inspection form on the tenants' page. This ensures that there will be no disagreement later about the cause of any defects, e.g. when moving out.

    You can access the inspection form by clicking on the lease box “show lease”, after which you will find the move-in apartment inspection in the opening pageview.

    It is a good idea to fill in the form immediately upon moving-in, but no later than 5 days from the beginning of the lease agreement / collecting the keys.

    In case of a problem, you can contact

    Name change to the door-nameplate and tenants list board

    Finally make a door-nameplate change notification to the maintenance company via the fault report form. This way, you will get your last name on the door's nameplate and on the tenants list board.

  • Building Info

    Here below you will find useful information about your residential building:

    Herttuanportti 4
    Klippinkitie 1
    Rummunlyöjänkatu 8
    Ullanmäentie 13

    Hiihtäjäntie 5
    Hitsaajankatu 1 
    Isosaarentie 2 
    Koskelantie 72 
    Laajasuontie 35 
    Petter Wetterin tie 4 
    Pomeranssikuja 1
    Porslahdentie 24 
    Puotilan Metrokatu 4 
    Seltterikuja 4 
    Siemenkuja 1
    Teerisuontie 35
    Tyynenmerenkatu 7 
    Tyynylaavantie 13-15 
    Viljatie 3 
    Vuotie 55

    Alankotie 2 
    Bjarnenkuja 8

    Lintulammenkatu 15 
    Santaniitynkuja 1 
    Seunalantie 8 

    Herraskuja 2 
    Manninkatu 2
    Manninkuja 4 
    Roopenkuja 4 / Rouvaskuja 1

    Iidesranta 30 

    Illenpiha 4 
    Rosendalinkuja 7 
    Tammistonkatu 23

  • Floor Plans

    Floor Plans